Lara Blair is the CEO of Blair Bio-Medical Engineering. When her father died he left her in charge of the company. Her father was a pioneer in "the development of machines that would make impossible surgeries not only possible but practical."Lara has been attempting to perfect one such surgical procedure and meets with one failure after another. Blair Bio-Medical recruiters present Lara with a microscopic sculpture of Abraham Lincoln standing instead of sitting at the Lincoln Memorial. The miraculous beauty of this carving is that it could easily fit inside the eye of a needle! Andrew Jones is the sculptor! Problem is, Andrew is not interested in performing surgery in any capacity, even in a laboratory.
Lara is confident she can convince Andrew to help them. She reaches out to Andrew to work with her and Blair Bio-Medical to perfect these new and vital surgical procedures to help save lives. Andrew and Lara both struggle with past personal experiences and learn to share their troubles and trust again. When Lara needs Andrew to save her life will he have the confidence he needs and be able to put the demons that trouble him behind him and come to her rescue?
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